Used Cooking Oil - UCO


Cooking and frying are done with oil, whether it be of vegetable or animal origin. After being used for a while, the oil degrades and may provide a poor flavor and odor to the food. Get greater results by changing your oil frequently. Green City Environmental Services can help with the management of used oil waste collection.

Used Cooking Oil Management Services

Every business requires a cooking oil collection service that can be counted on for efficiency, accuracy, and flexibility. Which is where Green City comes in. Our method of collection is quick, effective, and comprehensive. We are able to work around your schedule, so there will be no disruption to your business operations. If you’re looking for a place that can fulfil all of your commercial requirements, Green City is the best choice. 

UCO Collection

No matter how large or small your business is, we can arrange for the timely and efficient collection of your used cooking oil. We work of all sizes and types of businesses, including hotels, cafeterias, canteens, hospitals, schools, and universities. 

Scheduled- On demand Collection

For regular or on-call collection, you can count on us. As a business, we know how crucial it is to keep your kitchen operating at peak efficiency at all times. Choose a company that you can depend on by calling us at (+966 536 490 490) Today!

Used cooking oil Recycle

High-quality raw materials for making biodiesel

The best feedstock for biodiesel production is recycled vegetable oils and animal fats, also known as used cooking oils (UCO). This is the most environmentally friendly way to get rid of them, as they cannot be recycled into the human or animal food supply chains due to health and safety concerns.

UCO Recycling process 

When used cooking oil reaches the processing facilities, it is filtered to remove any large particles and any remaining water. As the oil moves through, it undergoes a series of refining, reaction, and separation steps that ultimately yield biodiesel. Each step of the procedure is carefully monitored to guarantee that the final product is a high-quality biodiesel that meets or exceeds all applicable standards for purity, clarity, and lack of off-gassing.

Have Oil Waste/Pickup?

Please Call us on + 966 536 490 490

Green City is A leading provider of waste management services to commercial, industrial and construction sectors.