Waste Disposal


Businesses in a wide variety of sectors can take advantage of our commercial waste disposal services. We will deliver the appropriate bins, bags, and containers for you to initially keep your waste in before we come and haul it away. If necessary, they will transfer it to a commercial waste disposal site for sorting, cleansing, treatment, and disposal. Here, we watch after the proper disposal of your waste, keeping as much of it out of landfills as possible. This guarantees that our services have minimal negative environmental impact.

Disposing Of Commercial Waste

It is much easier to dispose of company waste responsibly if you have a good handle of the processes involved. The most efficient method of waste disposal varies according to the type of waste. The storage requirements and final destination for your business’s waste will depend on how you choose to segregate and store it after collection.

In addition to reducing costs and improving your company’s environmental footprint, responsible waste disposal is a key part of a successful business strategy. Simply sort your waste into the proper bins and set up a regular collection schedule.


Some of the most typical methods used by businesses for waste disposal are:



Recycling, in which waste is transformed into useable materials, is the most environmentally friendly way to get rid of waste. Used plastic bottles, for instance, can be recycled into other types of packaging. Finding alternative applications for waste helps safeguard the natural environment.


If your company produces large amounts of food waste, composting is an eco-friendly waste disposal method. To create compost, you allow food waste to decompose naturally, then you can use the organic matter to fertilize crops.



Special waste such as PPE is usually burned in an incinerator due to the strict laws around disposing such items. it is often occurring at landfill sites, and it prevents any infectious or hazardous properties harming humans and the environment if left in landfill to decompose. 


Traditional waste disposal involve waste being collected and thrown into a landfill site. This should be a last resort due to the negative impact landfills have on our environment, and many waste products take hundreds of years to decompose, releasing harmful gasses in the process.

How can you improve your waste management?

If your company generates waste, it must first be stored in a secure location in accordance with applicable requirements for that waste before it can be collected. This ensures that all waste is disposed of in the most eco-friendly way possible, which helps prevent contamination. A variety of bins, bags, and waste containers are available to suit your waste type.

  • Keep waste to a minimum by doing everything you reasonably can to prevent, reuse, recycle or recover waste (in that order).
  • Sort and store waste safely and securely.
  • Ensure your waste is not disposed of illegally.
  • Ensure your waste is kept in a secure place with no access to unauthorized personnel.
  • Use suitable bins and containers that stop waste spilling or leaking.
  • Clearly label your containers or bins with their contents to reduce the risk of cross-contamination and storing waste in the wrong container.
  • Ensure your waste is covered to prevent the entry of rainwater or other contaminants.
Waste Containers & Equipements

Most Suitable Waste Containers

Waste Skip

Best for General waste, Recyclable Waste

Wheelie Bin

Best for General waste, Recyclable Waste

Recycle Bin

Best for Sorting Recyclable Waste

Waste Equipment's

Best for Recyclable, General waste

Manage Waste Effectively
& Reduce Environmental Impact

Green City is A leading provider of waste management services to commercial, industrial and construction sectors.